The Horoscope chart is a schematic representation of the skies at the time of birth. In other words it is a sky map with the position of the planets at birth. This chart is used to calculate and make various predictions on the life of the individual. Horoscope Charts in India

The only main differences in these charts is the scheme and style of representing the position of the planets. The East and South Indian charts have blocks which represent zodiac signs and these remain fixed in any chart. In the North Indian style, the Houses remain fixed while the Zodiac sign may change as shown above.
The Ascendant or ‘Lagna’, is the zodiac sign that is rising in the eastern horizon at the time of birth. The Lagna is important in any chart since it represents the self and is the ‘First’ House in any chart. Each Zodiac Sign is sequentially numbered from 1 to 12 starting from the Lagna or the “First House”. Each house may be occupied by one or more planets or Grahas, depending on the astronomical position in the sky.
According to the shastras each Zodiac sign is ruled by a planet and rulerships are assigned as below:

The way rulerships are assigned is like the darbar of a ‘King’. The Sun and the Moon represent the King and the Queen respectively and hence occupy the center-right position of the Darbar (as above). Mercury is like the young crown prince and he rules the houses immediately next to the King and Queen, ie. Gemini and Virgo. Venus is akin to the prime minister and hence rules the next important position immediately next to the prince, viz. Taurus and Libra. Mars is full of aggression and is like the Senapati or the Commander of the Armies and is next in importance to the Prime Minister. Hence he rules over Aries & Scorpio. The high priest of the court is Jupiter and he comes next, ruling Sagittarius and Pisces, while Saturn is the lowly servant, ruling the farthest houses from the King, viz. Capricorn & Aquarius.
The planets that occupy each house, rulerships are the very basics in the chart representation and drawing the horoscope chart is the very basic step undertaken for predictions and other purposes. The Indian system has elaborate mathematics that determine and help make a chart, however, nowadays computers make this process very easy and all we require for this is the correct time, date and place of birth. This is the first chapter on the very basics for anyone looking at a Horoscope chart.
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